Citește Biblia KJ Psalms capitolul 106
11. And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left.
12. Then believed they his words; they sang his praise.
13. They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel:
14. But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.
15. And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.
16. They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the LORD.
17. The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan and covered the company of Abiram.
18. And a fire was kindled in their company; the flame burned up the wicked.
19. They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.
20. Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.
meniu prim“Nu înceta niciodată să zâmbești, nici chiar atunci când ești trist, pentru că nu se știe cine se poate îndrăgosti de zâmbetul tău.”
~ Gabriel José García Márquez ~