Citește Biblia KJ Psalms capitolul 132
1. Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions:
2. How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob;
3. Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed;
4. I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids,
5. Until I find out a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.
6. Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood.
7. We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.
8. Arise, O LORD, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength.
9. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.
10. For thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of thine anointed.
meniu prim"Ține un copac verde în inima ta și poate va sosi o pasăre cântătoare."
~ Proverb chinezesc ~